Ultraviolet UV Light Germicidal UVC Lamps YouTube: Allergy Relief
"The Whole House Germ and Bacteria Fighter"
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aaaassssssAGermicidal Ultra Violet Light for Heating and Cooling Systems
When installed in your home or business HVAC heating and air conditioning system, the SafeGuard UV Cleanser will work 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. UV Light from the SafeGuard UV System shines on and will help clean and disinfect the interior surfaces of your system using Ultraviolet (UV) technology. The evaporator coil, plenum and condensate drain pan area in the HVAC system will be radiated with ultraviolet light with uv energy nearly 800 times greater than the Sun as will other areas in and around the area where the SafeGuard UV Germicidal Ultra Violet Light is installed in the HVAC System. Ultra Violet UVC Light Makes SenseAs a practical note, the uv light germicidal effects of the SafeGuard UV Cleanser make sense. For nearly a century ultraviolet (UVC) technology has been used by food and drug companies to disinfect various types of products and their containers. Hospitals and High Tech Businesses have been using uvc germicidal ultraviolet (uv) for decades to disinfect HVAC air conditioning cooling coils, ducting and the air supply to maintain a clean environment in clean rooms and operating rooms. The benefits of the SafeGuard uv light system are clear. UV Light Renders Germs HarmlessThe SafeGuard UV Cleansers Ultraviolet UVC Rays strike contaminants when positioned directly in there breading area and air borne pathway, uvc then penetrates the micro-organism to break down it's molecular bonds. This bond breakage translates into cellular or genetic damage with the germs rendered harmless by robbing them of the ability to reproduce. The SafeGuard UV Cleanser just makes sense as does the benefits. Contact InformationLearn more about how the benefits of UV Light and the SafeGuard UV Cleanser can protect you and your family from harmful bacteria and viruses by contacting is below:
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